Inspired by...

Inspired by...

There's few things in life that let you cut loose from your cares and slip in to another world. Music is one and, for us, crochet is another.

The headphones go on, I hit play and... just for a second a close my eyes as the music comes on. Its a habit, a ritual. Just like that I'm halfway somwhere else. Not commuting on a crowded train, but jamming with Marley; not stuck behind a desk but heading on a road trip with Springsteen; laughing with Cash while he tells us about a boy named Sue...

One of the great things about designing pur own crochet patterns is that we see the things we love brought to live as they're made. What inspires you?

What's on your hook today?

Combine your loves and create something amazing. Check out our collection of musically inspired crochet patterns. 

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